A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Вам с Корди предстоит пройти через все ловушки храма что бы добраться до сокровища.

You and Kordy will have to go through all the traps of the temple to get to the treasure.

PlatformsWindows, Android
Rated 3.4 out of 5 stars
(7 total ratings)
GenreAdventure, Puzzle, Visual Novel
Tags2D, Erotic, Furry, NSFW, Singleplayer


Kordi and temple.zip 29 MB
Kordi and temple.apk 30 MB

Development log


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I really like this game, the gameplay is simple and easy to understand, the art is great and the addition of a gallery is much appreciated.

I'm exited for the sequel, but I am a fair bit curious about a few things...

-Is Kordi going to return as a playable character or will it be someone new?

-Will the option to play as a male lead to M-on-M content or will is stay straight?

-How's the progress? Any estimates on a release date or demo?

Apologies if this sounds reads like some kind of news interview, these questions have been on my mind for a while now...

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Hello, thank you for such a great review, I am very pleased that you liked my game and are interested in its continuation. Just this week I’m preparing everything for a post regarding a new game, I’ll publish it this week as well. And I will be happy to answer your questions.

  • Kordy will be in the game, but not as a playable character, there will be two new heroes in the game, a man and a woman.
  • I’m not sure yet about the M-on-M content, maybe there will be one, but initially I planned to make them heterosexual if possible
  • Progress is already quite high, I have already set up all the mechanics, at the moment I need to mainly draw, I can’t say anything about dates, but if I post a demo, then about 3-4 levels out of about 14 will be available in it

If you are interested in any other questions, do not hesitate to ask, I will definitely answer, and to the answer I also attached a picture with all the heroes and a screenshot from the game, The new heroes are called Coco and Buka, Koko is a fox, and Buka is a fennec 

Looks great, it feels slightly weird to go from an ancient temple to (what I assume is) an abandoned military/research base so quickly but that's most likely just me.

And since you're offering, I do have some final questions...

-As a platformer, is there any "gimmick levels" we can expect, like ice physics, water and swimming, bounce pads or a vehicle section?

-Do both characters exist in-game or only the one chosen? Will the one that isn't chosen just not appear or can KoKo and Buka meet?

-Will the mature content still come from failure like the temple? With a health bar in play now I can see some being annoyed with having to drain it to see the scenes. A few games like this have a hotkey to make the character "vulnerable" in some way as a Quality of Life but I say a gallery is enough by itself.

That's all the questions I have. I am eagerly looking forward to the next project, and I know it will be a great one. Feel free to take your time, iron out any glitches and refine stuff until you feel it's ready, no pressure.

  • There won’t be many features in the game, there will be stairs, breaking platforms, platforms with a timer and perhaps something else, each location will have its own features. Regarding vehicles, they will be at special levels.
  • Koko and Buka travel together, at the beginning of each level you will be asked to choose a hero, with one of the characters the second will wait for you at the start, and at special levels they will have to work together to achieve the goal.

  • Adult content will appear when enemies attack, but this can be avoided. I consider it unnecessary to add such a hotkey, since the game will have a gallery, and in the gallery the player will appear invulnerable in a room where all the scenes with enemies and art with them are collected.

  • Thank you for believing in my project, almost everything is ready for the post and now I’ll publish it, the most difficult thing for the game was to come up with characters and interesting monsters and make them look nice, I spent a lot of time on this, maybe I’ll come up with some more creatures , but so far I have not yet implemented all of those that have already been invented.

Love the game at First i had some difficulty getting trough the first challenge since it was a bit hard to move and the sticks had a weird hitbox.

Also by demo do you mean early access or that you Will have to pay to have the full game? 

And will It suport Android?

Thanks for making a great but simple game.

Sorry for my bad english.

Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words; it means a lot to me that you enjoyed my game. By the demo version, I mean an incomplete version of the game where not all levels will be available. In the full version, all levels will be unlocked, and everything will be free. The new game will also be supported on Android. I hope it meets your expectations!

I really like the game, especially because it is in Russian, I'm really looking forward to the sequel!!!

Thank you, I’m glad you liked the game, the sequel is already being developed, the basic mechanics have already been implemented. In the next game the art will be much better than in this one, in the last few months I have been trying to improve my drawing skills, and I want to say that I was in a hurry with the development of my first game, the art in it was not of the best quality, now I am doing much better. I'll try to implement this in my next game, I hope you like it as much.

Я уже скачал, работает хорошо, короче, требует доработки, но вы работаете отлично, я обязательно продолжу разработку этого.

What does the note say once you get the gem?

The inscription on the sign: "Thanks for playing. Cordy was glad to see you here. this is the end."

WE NEED MORE LIKE THIS PLEAS i love this style of game + with the nsfw touch it is very cool, it simple and it what we need, you've made a great job (sorry if my english is bad)

It's okay, you speak beautifully. I am very glad that you liked my game and my style) Thank you. at the moment I am working on creating another game, soon I plan to create a youtube channel, where I will post the development processes. And thanks again for the feedback, I am very pleased to read such comments, it inspires and motivates ;)

What kind of game is it? I'm interested) 

how nice that you are interested, okay, I'll tell you a little about this game. This will be a platformer in which you will need to explore levels and items while being careful of monsters. The game will have two playable characters, Boy and girl. For now I'm finishing up adding the basic mechanics, then I'll make a tutorial level and post the gameplay of this level on YouTube

Коротко, но прикольно. Анатомия слегка хромает, но всё равно выглядит хорошо. Надеюсь что-то подобное ещё будет в будущем

Спасибо за отзыв, да, с анатомией у меня есть проблемы... постараюсь чтоб в будущем их не было. Я планирую продолжать делать игры такого формата, у меня уже есть идея для следующей игры, но она не до конца продумана. Следующая игра будет более длинной и качественной, надеюсь не разочарую :)

overall not bad, the art is simplistic but enjoyable, and i wish there was more of it, good job!

Thank you! This is my first experience in creating such games, I plan to continue making such games, only longer and better. Perhaps this will be the second part of this game, or maybe something new, I already have several ideas.
and thank you again for the feedback!

Прикольная игра, загадок бы побольше.  С удовольствием поиграю в твои будущие проекты.

Рад что вам понравилась моя игра, ваши комментарии мотивируют и вдохновляют меня на создание чего то нового и более интересного, спасибо за игру, Корди любит тебя

Somehow i'm stuck with the first door right side puzzle, is there a specific button combination or?

Yes, you need to press the buttons in the correct sequence

is there a hint for what the sequence is?

oh, it's sound based, i see. i played without audio the first time and got stuck

Классная игра. С удовольствием поиграл. Жду новых игр от тебя! Надеюсь, что мужской персонаж тоже будет доступен

(1 edit)

Спасибо за отзыв! Мне очень приятно что вам понравилась моя игра, в будущем я планирую выпускать более качественные игры подобного жанра, мужской персонаж так же будет. Корди любит тебя!

A short but really cool game, cool work!

Thank you! Glad you liked my game, Kordi loves you!